Has anxiety taken over your life? Do you feel a constant overwhelm that no matter what you do the feeling does not go away….?
You are in the right place, we can help you feel more in control and rid yourself of the anguish and despair.
Anxiety may feel like persistent worry or fears, thinking the worse case scenario, overthinking decisions to the point where you avoid making them, feeling like you are constantly judged or feel, not good enough.
Anxiety is a normal feeling that we all experience. It lets us know that ‘something is going on’. The problem?
When anxiety starts to interfere with your daily life such as:
Difficulty focusing and or concentrating at work and or with daily tasks
Avoiding certain people or places because they make you feel nervous or anxious
Relationship difficulties because anxiety can make it very hard to express one’s feelings
Anxiety is not just a feeling, but it can impact how you feel physically- stomach aches, headaches, dizziness, GI issues, and racing heart beat
Anxiety can it make it very hard to relax which is why telling someone to just “relax” with anxiety can actually be unhelpful
If you relate to any of the scenarios above, you could benefit from Anxiety Therapy to finally end the daily battle within yourself.

What can Anxiety Therapy help me with?
Anxiety therapy are individual sessions to help you learn ways to cope with your anxiety.
Individual therapy provides you with a safe place, free from judgement and criticism, to share difficult emotional experiences. Whatever your struggle may be, individual therapy allows the opportunity to explore the origins of your struggles and work toward healing. Healing looks very different from person to person. Healing to one person means overall feeling happier and to the other, learning to set better boundaries with family and friends.
There is no right way to heal, healing is not linear and thats okay….because life isn’t either.
Together we will:
Identify your triggers- meaning things that make you feel anxious, for example- your boss, work meetings or social situations. Knowing your triggers before hand helps you gain more control of your anxiety which is a very critical part to uncover in our sessions together.
Explore and identify how anxiety impacts your life, for example- does it make you late to events because you spend a lot of time overthinking or do you avoid difficult conversations for the fear of other people’s reactions?
Teach you coping strategies to help you manage anxious feelings in all situations
Provide a safe holding space to allow you to share your feelings and thoughts without judgement and criticism